What name station that participant will arrive at
What name station that participant will leave from
Participant Code of Conduct
As an MDO Participant, I will- Be Respectful, Cooperative, and contribute positively to the MDO experience
- Practice excellent Sportsmanship, strong Teamwork, and outstanding Character
- Listen and follow all directions from my Coach and all other MDO Staff
- Keep my hands to myself, NO hitting, fighting, or bullying
- Have fun, but not at the expense of others
- Have a good attitude and use appropriate language (NO obscenity)
- Respect MDO property, Life Adventure Center property, Woodford County Rec Center property
- NOT bring ANY electronic devices (cell phone, IPad, computers, game devices, spinners, etc) to MDO
- NOT engage in sexual activity
- NOT use, possess, distribute, sell, or be under the influence of alcohol, drugs, or cigarettes
- NOT possess weapons of ANY kind
- NOT participant in acts of vandalism of any kind
IF I violate the MDO Code of Conduct, I will accept the consequences, which MAY include- Losing competition time
- Losing event and entertainment time
- Losing medals and record standing
- Being disqualified for Mr and Miss Olympian competition (High School Participants)
- Time Out
- Writing letters of apology
- Paying for damages
- Having my parents called
- Being sent home (at parents expense)
- NOT being allowed to return to MDO (for serious offenses)
- Prosecution if situation warrants (unlawful activity out of MDO hands)
Authorizations - Read Carefully
The Deaf Youth Sports Festival/MDO MUST have advance knowledge of special needs for your child. This information
will be treated confidentially and used to make preparations. We will not use this information as a basis for rejecting this
application. I understand that if MDO is unable to appropriately provide for my child BECAUSE I HAVE NOT
I give permission for Over the Counter medications (such as Tylenol, Benadryl, etc) to be administered to my child if
needed. I have informed MDO of any and ALL allergies and reactions.
The Deaf Youth Sports Festival has my permission to use emergency medical measures in the event of an emergency
I give permission for my child to leave the grounds and its facilities with authorized staff for outings and trips.
I agree that The Deaf Youth Sports Festival has my permission to use pictures, names, and other art forms depicting
myself and/or my child in MDO publications and promotions.
Health / Special Needs Information
To expedite registration and ensure medications are administered correctly, please complete all information below and list all medications to be given at MDO on the Participant Medical Information Check-In Form. Thank you for your patience and understanding to help us make MDO a fun and safe experience for all.
All medications will be administered based on the prescription label instructions unless a doctor statement is
provided authorizing something different. It is the Parent/Guardian’s responsibility to provide written doctor’s
authorization of changes or they will be administered based on the prescription label instructions.
I affirm that the medication, health, and special needs information listed above is accurate.
Participant Medical Information
(Food, medicine, insects, plants, etc)
If more than 10 medications needs, please email to the MDO team.